Apparently, I never blog!

So guys, I have a list of posts to write about! I made curtains! I did my first food crawl! Everyone's getting married! Alas. I have no time. However, I was getting questions about these, so this is what I will blog out: vegan cupcakes. Worst-sounding combination EVER, right? I work with a group of really healthy people, one of whom is a vegan. It's her birthday... so... I made her vegan cupcakes. You can love or hate that idea, and I don't care. It's her birthday, not yours. On your birthday, I will make you steak cupcakes with veal frosting, okay? Chocolate Vegan Cupcakes Ingredients: * 2 cups flour * 2 TBSP chia seeds (as requested by my coworker instead of flax seed, and she provided them, so I didn't aruge) * 2/3 cup cocoa powder * 1 tsp baking powder * 1 1/2 tsp baking soda * 1 tsp salt * 2 1/2 cups Libby's canned pumpkin * 1/2 cup safflower oil * 1 1/2 cup white sugar * 2 tsp vanilla * 2 TB...