Today we have Thomas
Thomas is known for doubting. This morning, I feel for Thomas. No one is recording these actions in the Bible, no one will discuss (for centuries) my actions and their implications. When presented with the news that Jesus would be leaving them, Thomas asked, "Lord, if you go, how will we know the way?" Thomas' issue was Jesus leaving them. Obviously, that's not my issue today, but I have a different circumstance that I am looking at and saying, "Lord, how are we going to do this?" Lord, how do I have faith in this situation? I have already cried, prayed, slept and read the Bible. James MacDonald says Faith is believing the Word of God and acting upon it no matter how I feel because God promises a good result. Today, I believe this with all my heart. And today, when I don't, I will go to Jesus, like Thomas did, and I will say, "Lord, how will I know I the way?" Even as my heart is breaking and my eyes are filing with tears, I will ...