Why I run - Mile 3
I could tell you I run for health benefits, but that would be a lie. I run because, in running, I am able to process, clean out my head and heart, and exhaust myself like I cannot do with anything else. Mile 1 is just a warm-up. Music jams, I find my pace. Mile 2 is a pace-setter, and discipline. But mile 3 is gold. Somewhere as mile 2 morphs into mile 3, everything becomes crystal clear for me. If something is bothering me, I find my peace. If I am overwhelmed, I find strength. Somehow as I hit mile 3 everything I doubted becomes resolute faith. In mile 3, my soul remembers that God is faithful when I am not. In mile 3, nothing seems as big as it did when I was in mile 1. I want to hear God in big, loud ways. I look for God in the the strong wind to knock me down, in the earthquake to shake me up, in the fire to light my soul. I want God on my terms. I want my life on my terms. But it is never that way, and it is never good that way. I find Him still and small and i...