sweet joe.

These two words are how we describe our 6 week old son:

sweet joe.

When I was feeling like I was on the verge of death while pregnant, a fellow HG survivor friend repeated this mantra to me: Tough pregnancy, easy baby.

Not a chance in my never-a-dull-moment world, I thought.

Friends, I hate even to type this... we have the sweetest, easiest baby ever.

We are very, very blessed.

See this serene picture? I know, parents all over the US fight for this achievement, a passed out infant. What did I do? Swaddeled him up, stuck in his paci, turned on some music, turned on the ceiling fan, and hopped into the shower. Watching the fan amused Joe until he passed out.

People ask me how Joe sleeps. "Like his father." I respond - like a rock. He's slept through the night a couple of times.
People ask me if he sleeps in his own room yet. "He's never spent a night in ours. He prefers his crib." I say, and I am given looks of total shock. I finally moved the pack-n-play out of our room yesterday, realizing we would never use it.

Part of it may be that for Joe's first few weeks, I had to hand him off for extra feeding and then he got stuck in his crib so I could pump/rest. I guess you can accidentally sleep train your baby if you are lucky.

Here's a video of our sweet boy. Robert's sister and her husband are both professional musicians and music teachers. Joe loves, LOVES to listen to classical music, so I took this video for them, hence my narration (also, why do I talk to him like that? what about a baby makes your voice so weird?).

sweet baby joe. we love you so much.


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