i've lost the TV remote
not kidding. i don't even know where it is right now. Robert is going to be mad if i've left the tv on all day because i can't find the remote. anyway. that's not what this post is about. If you know me well, you know my not-so-quiet disdain for Mark Driscoll. My small group at church won't even say his name because they know they will be in for an hour long discussion of my issues regarding him and his practices. "He's your brother in Christ, Chrissy. Don't judge him. Love him" "He's reaching so many people, and people the church wouldn't normally catch. Isn't that honoring to God?" "That's just Biblical teaching. Of course you aren't going to like it {you crazy liberal, you}." "OH MY GOSH CHRISSY CAN WE PLEASE JUST CHANGE THE SUBJECT?!?!?!" I have heard these things over and over and over, but I never really shut up about it. When I found out I was pregnant, and pregnant with a boy, t...