i've lost the TV remote

not kidding. i don't even know where it is right now. Robert is going to be mad if i've left the tv on all day because i can't find the remote.

anyway. that's not what this post is about.

If you know me well, you know my not-so-quiet disdain for Mark Driscoll.
My small group at church won't even say his name because they know they will be in for an hour long discussion of my issues regarding him and his practices.

"He's your brother in Christ, Chrissy. Don't judge him. Love him"
"He's reaching so many people, and people the church wouldn't normally catch. Isn't that honoring to God?"
"That's just Biblical teaching. Of course you aren't going to like it {you crazy liberal, you}."

I have heard these things over and over and over, but I never really shut up about it. When I found out I was pregnant, and pregnant with a boy, to say my heart was grieved over the influence of someone like Driscoll over the larger Church is an understatement.

I prayed almost everyday while I was pregnant that my son would have a better church than the one Driscoll built. I know we don't go to MH, but the influence of MH over the larger American church was undeniable.

I didn't speak out or pray those things because I am a hater. Or a crazy liberal (well, maybe, who knows). Or because I didn't see the good coming from MH (I mean, my brother and his wife went there). And I'm not going to lie - I wasn't always the most gracious about it all.

I did because I loved the Church. I saw it being beat down, in a huge way, and people seemed blindly to accept it because of all the other things. I saw the creeping influence of MH over other churches and it scared me. Were there good influences? Sure. But at a cost, and I cost that I would argue the church could not, should not pay. A cost I was not going to pass onto my son.

So you could think I am throwing some huge anti-Driscoll party over here, but that's not the case. Instead, I'm still praying. As a Christian, when one of us hurts, we all hurt. As the church, when a congregation is sick, ours is sick, too. Do you know who I thought of when I read about this all? Grace Driscoll. I'm guessing her life is pretty crappy right now. I'm guessing she could use some love and support and prayers. We don't hate her, and we don't hate her husband, and I bet she feels like neither one of those things is true and that can't be easy.

My heart is relieved in knowing the issues are being corrected. But this isn't where the story ends, and the hard work is just beginning. I believe, fully and truly, our God is a healer, and a restorer, and that much great things can lie ahead for MH and for Driscoll.

I am no better than Driscoll. I am not any more worthy of God's grace or love. I will throw a party when Driscoll is restored (if he chooses to continue on as a pastor). Because that's what we celebrate in the Christian life - Christ's redemption of us all.

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. -Galatians 6:1-3


  1. Good thoughts here, Chrissy. Thanks for loving the Church and loving its erring members.


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