That was awkward.

I'm glad to be back home. I have more on my "fun" events on my calendar for the next few weeks than I did the whole time I lived in TN.

One of the things I love is having good people to spend time with. Since I am not working (yet) I invited my sister-in-law (also just moved and job hunting) over for breakfast. WHAT COULD GO WRONG, RIGHT?!

I'm watching my pull apart cinnamon sugar breakfast bread brown perfectly (recipe via, while scrambling a few eggs and I hear the door open. I had left the door open for my sis-in-law, so I didn't think anything of it and let Otis the Dog trot over to greet her. Lowering the temperature on the eggs, I walked around the corner to say hi.
At least this was a delicious success.

My first clue that something was wrong was when I saw a woman's reflection in the window, holding a baby carrier and I thought, "Why in the world would she have a BABY with her?!"

Walking around the corner, I saw a woman, her baby, her husband, and another random woman in our foyer. We all stared at each other totally dumbfounded for a few seconds.

"Uh... hi. Can I help..?" I mumble out, not sure if they walked into the wrong house or if they just had heard I was making breakfast and maybe wanted something to eat.

"We are here to see the house. They approved our showing." The realtor said.

And CLICK went the light bulb in my head. We had our house taken off of the "come and show anytime list" to the "call before so we can leave list", but it somehow didn't work out (obviously). I apologized profusely for being there, explaining that things had just changed and I was literally living in a different state a week ago and this was a terrible mix-up but they were welcome to look at the house.

My sister-in-law was totally confused as she walked in about 2 minutes after the house hunters arrived. We laughed about it later after they left.

The realtor was really nice about it, and I apologized again. And then I apologized for the boxes everywhere. And the not-put-away state of the house. And for my dog and sister-in-law sitting there while I made breakfast. Luckily, she laughed it off. She did say, "Well, can I ask you a few questions since you are here...?" so I was at least able to answer a few things for her.

It was the weirdest situation. And now I'm scared that I'm going to step out of the shower and have someone walk in, checking out the bathroom. Note to self, keep the bathrobe nearby.


  1. I thought I had left a comment, but obviously it didn't post. So, I will try again! Wouldn't it be just like God to have this lady buy your house? That's what happened with our house in Oconomowoc. We were moving out of the house on a very cold Sunday in January. Many of our friends had come over to help, and the house was in total chaos. Boxes were everywhere. Carpets were turned upside down to protect the hardwood floors. There was barely a path through each room. We had just ordered pizza and were starting to eat to when the doorbell rang. A couple with 5(!) boys in tow had come to see the house. It was crazy. After the moving van was loaded and I was backing out of the driveway one last time, I got a call that we had an offer for our full asking price. AMAZING! Just shows you that when God is ready, He'll bring the right buyer. I'm still praying for the right buyer and right timing for your house.


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