Victory, and other updates
We. are. moved.
Overall, this move went as smoothly as I think a move can go. There were no emergencies. No one died. We didn't, like, forget Otis. They came, they packed, they moved us. A big shout out to the Bekins' local branches in both Nashville and Indy for making this a great move.
We had so much help this move. When we moved to Nashville, it was just Robert (who has a major back injury) and me (who is... uh... a weak girl) who had to get everything done. The moving company (which was terrible) got us there, but everything else was up to us. And Robert started working, like, 60 hours a week his first day there. So by us, I mean me.
On the way back, we had a place to stay. No worrying about the air mattress or the bed, or a shower or towels. My in-laws took us and Otis in and we didn't have to worry about anything.
My parents came down and worked their rear ends off unpacking us. My dad installed a shelf, broke down boxes, helped Robert with the heavy stuff. My mom was my right hand in unpacking the kitchen, the closets, and finding solutions to problems.
My sister and brother-in-law, who live 5 minutes away from us, opened their home to us. They fed us for every. single. meal. I didn't have to buy food for almost a week after we moved. Who has time to cook when they are unpacking? And how much Wendy's should we really eat? If you know my sister, she has 2 kinds of cooking: gourmet meals, or going out to eat. So, we were so spoiled.
Our friends and family have made us feel so... back at home. It's a wonderful feeling. We are so grateful.
But don't worry, I didn't forget how to be little Miss Independent after a week of having more help than I could ask for. There was one shelf I was going to have my dad assemble, but I didn't find all the parts until the day they left.
So I did it, all by myself. Using a power tool (which, btw, was the way to go. I'm never using a normal screwdriver again).
Hey, I'm so proud of you! Love, **MOM**