
Showing posts from July, 2011

First post from my BRAND NEW laptop

(from Saturday, July 30) Apparently, I go into laptop withdrawal pretty quickly, because the first thing we did after lunch today was go and replace my stolen laptop with a new one. It's nice, don't you think? (I'm such a dork for typing that). Anyways... Yes... our house, in the middle of nowhere, was broken into. No, we do not live in a bad neighborhood. We live on a little country road where we can't see our neighbors. No, I don't really feel unsafe, other than being a little paranoid now. Again... is it TN, or a foreign country? No substantial damage was done to our landlord's property -- just one, partially broken window. So what did these geniuses take? The Porsche, in the garage, keys on the counter? No. The Chapparell boat in the driveway? No. The endless amounts of expensive technical equipment my husband owns? No. Our huge TV? Wii? DVD/Blue-Ray/WDTV? No. HOLD UP, you may say, what DID they take?! -My netbook laptop. -My jewelry. This includes... well...

New things, summer love, Diet Coke

Ah, summer. I love heat. Heat heat heat. Robert makes fun of because it's 100 degrees outside, and I was almost in tears last night when my heating pad stopped working. My feet get cold when we watch TV, okay? And I don't like socks in the summer, so don't even try. Apparently, Otis is on board with summer, too. I let him out the other day and he found himself a patch of sun to love. Our otherwise boring dog began to roll and play in the sunshine with great enthusiasm (which, if you do not know Otis, is more than he generally does in a week). He started to doze off (of course) so I called him back inside... Or I'll forget about him. Because I'm a really good doggie momma. I know these pictures aren't the best, but I had to try to capture some of the pure joy that was his happy little doggie moment. Our life update: No moving date. No changes. Maybe September? No houses sold or purchased. Really, nothing . Now we are in the that horrible stage where things start ...

Cupcake Class!

I took my very first (cup)cake decorating class yesterday! There was a Groupon for a class through Faboo Cakes , so I snatched it up and signed up for their "adult" cupcake decorating class. Adult, btw, means that... 1. no kids are allowed in the class 2. one of the cupcakes is a cocktail theme 3. you can bring your own alcohol to drink during class. Totally genius, right? I am art-challenged to begin with, and I hate taking all the time and effort to make something taste amazing only to have to spend more time and effort to make it look... pretty . I mean, I will smooth out the frosting and throw on some sprinkles, but don't expect anything more than that. The lighting wasn't great for pictures, so sorry that they aren't the best. <--- These are my first ever rose-tipped frosted cupcakes. Not too bad, huh? This class was perfect for my first decorating class. The women who own Faboo are sisters, and they are as honest, hilarious and helpful as possible. T...

This post isn't really appropraite

So I warned you upfront -- and I expect everyone to act like an adult. Well, at least, as much as I do. Today, a (Hispanic) pregnant patient was asking the doctor about circumcision for her baby boy. On her way out, of course, because our patients can NEVER STOP TALKING TO THE DOCTOR. No, really, nothing stays in the exam rooms around here. They leave, get in their cars, and call and ask more questions and have more they want to talk about. I think HIPPA would fine them, and not us, for their blabber-ish nature. Anyway, she was like, "So, I guess we are doing this circumcision thing?" And the doctor was like, "Well, do you want to? Because if you want to, then yes. But you do not have to do it." So she says, "I mean, I guess. I don't really get it, though." He says, "Yes, it's a very American thing. Most of them do it." She says, "Really? I don't believe you. Really?" He says, "Yes. A lot them do it, and a lot of my pa...

I just want my capris

Otis has to be the sleepiest, if not laziest, creature on this earth. This morning, he was sound asleep and I needed to get a pair of capris out of the drawer he was sleeping in front of, blocking it. I called him. He opened his eyes and stared at me. I clapped. He blinked. I said, "Come here, come over here, come on Otis." He yawned. Finally, I pulled him out of the way. He sort of stood up and stretched, moving a couple of inches away. I seized my opportunity and got my capris out. He then rolled over, belly up, so I could rub him. Because that's why I woke you up. To rub your belly and give you love. Not to get my pants. He came down and ate breakfast with me (we do this every morning). He decided part way through it was a waste of possible sleeping time and went back up to bed. I had to call him to put him out before I left. He sauntered down the stairs and outside like this whole waking-up thing was completely unacceptable. Unbelievable. My dog is a 14 year old boy.

The House On Stockard Street

I said would I write about going back to our old house and how it made me feel. This is it. Stockard Street never really felt like mine. I moved in there when I married Robert, I loved living with him, but... it was his house. He had it 7 years before he met me. I didn't hate the house, it was just full of... Robert-stuff (and evidence of his life, for years prior). Not Robert-Chrissy stuff. And it's not really the kind of house I'd pick out for myself. But it was our home. Now, it is empty. It is repainted, re-carpeted, with no remains of life there expect maybe a Diet Coke in the fridge (thanks, Mom!). And when I walked in there, I had no desire to try to find another house for us when we moved back to Indy. Because this, this could be our home again. We were happy there. We had every need met there. We could pay off this house in the near future. We were safe there. And I didn’t don't want that to change. Robert got to witness this really, really cool trick I can do...

Friday Favorites

What's not to love about some great finds? 1. Caslon Capris (from Nordstrom) - I bought these at the half yearly sale. I've been looking for a lightweight, khaki colored capri for a long time. I LOVE THESE CAPRIS. I'm sort of waiting for the girls at work to have an intervention to make me stop wearing them every time we do not have patients. I promise I wash them. 2. Mama Selita's Hot Sauce (Red Gold) - I love ketchup as it is. It may be the only redneck thing about me. I won't even eat certain foods without ketchup. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Paulynn, for not only getting me hooked on this, but for being my current supplier. I've put this on burgers, fries, BBQ chicken, and so many other things, and it's delicious. 3. Ticket to Ride (Board Game) - Mandy and Steve had us play this with them last weekend. SO FUN. I can't wait to play it again. 4. Niece and Nephew - The way Abram is so funny now that he's a little boy and not just a toddler (and ask...

It's been...

...weird? Here's our life update. We are still moving to Indianapolis. We were originally moving the end of July/early August, but they haven't found Robert's replacement yet. So now we are waiting for SWC to hire someone down here before they move us up to Indy. Because of this, I have not quit my job. Which means there is a chance that I may actually be in TN longer to train my replacement, since the office doesn't even know they need to be hiring. Our landlord (St. Neil, Patron Saint of Really Worried Tenants Who Don't Want to be Homeless) agreed to let us go month to month when our lease is up in August. Which means we won't be homeless if SWC doesn't move us back by August. Our house is on the market, and we've actually found the house(s) we'd like to buy if ours sells. If ours does not sell, we're moving back into it until it does. We won't really move in or unpack, just hang out with most of our stuff in storage and make Otis scrub up ...