First post from my BRAND NEW laptop

(from Saturday, July 30) Apparently, I go into laptop withdrawal pretty quickly, because the first thing we did after lunch today was go and replace my stolen laptop with a new one. It's nice, don't you think? (I'm such a dork for typing that). Anyways... Yes... our house, in the middle of nowhere, was broken into. No, we do not live in a bad neighborhood. We live on a little country road where we can't see our neighbors. No, I don't really feel unsafe, other than being a little paranoid now. Again... is it TN, or a foreign country? No substantial damage was done to our landlord's property -- just one, partially broken window. So what did these geniuses take? The Porsche, in the garage, keys on the counter? No. The Chapparell boat in the driveway? No. The endless amounts of expensive technical equipment my husband owns? No. Our huge TV? Wii? DVD/Blue-Ray/WDTV? No. HOLD UP, you may say, what DID they take?! -My netbook laptop. -My jewelry. This includes... well...