How good

Jamie the Very Worst Missionary spoke in her last post about how people say, "God is good" when things work out well.

[So Leah gets to keep her job, and we say, "God is good". And we rejoice greatly in the work God is doing through her and around her.]

Jamie then comments on how God is still good, when the report says it is cancer. When your child is sick. When the news is the job isn't there. When what you love is taken away from you.

Much of this blog is a joke - it's tongue-in-cheek. Because I think my life is really just too funny at times. These "exciting" moments are really a source of amusement. They don't really upset me or anything like that, a skill that apparently means that I was made to be a Brack (or so the Bracks tell me...)

I was made keenly aware of much goodness is in my life this week. And of how hard it would be to call it goodness if it were to change (oh, and we all know, it will change around here). So to those that have a lot of really, really hard things to face right now, my heart aches for you. Some of you have really wonderful things that are very, very challenging, and I rejoice as I think of you and those situations (as complicated as they are). And I wish I could be there, right next door, to all of you to help and to love. But apparently, I'm supposed to be hanging out in Tennessee right now.
You continue to be in our prayers.
Dom & Lianne
Mike & Lauri
Anne & Matt
Kendall & Matt
Rob & Leah
Rick & Kat
The Walkers
Kevin Johnson
The Wetzels
Mom & Dad
The Hamptons
Andrew & Sarah
Jen (that you have strength to endure as the friend to a never-dull person)
(btw, to those on this list, you all inspire me in some pretty big ways, so thanks for letting me participate in your life)
...and don't think that just because you aren't on the list, you aren't being prayed for or thought of or that we don't care. This is not all inclusive. This is just the big things we've added in the last week or two.


  1. <3 Thank you for sharing a part of our journey with Grant, and for praying with us.


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