I don't get nervous...

...about so many things that would make most people terrified. I do not fear international travel. I do not fear bugs or diseases from the corners of the earth. I don't fear the water (or drinking it) in Mexico.
I love public speaking

But I woke up this morning with a pit in my stomach. A nasty, surly, dreaded feeling. The kind that almost took over and made me drive right now to Indianapolis to give hugs and hold people I love tightly and to share a bed with Abram for the next couple of weeks. Because I am so big. I am so in control. I can so magically protect and make things happen.

Yeah, right.

For someone who has as much as experience as I do with what is currently causing my distress, I should know two things.

1. Oh, come on. It'll be fine. You are more likely to get run over in Meijer's parking lot on a busy day then have something bad happen while traveling.

2. Nothing good comes from me. We all know where all the Good and Perfect Things come from and I am very, very small and powerless.

And so, we think about the same things we always think about during these times.
My friend, Jen, moved recently and as a housewarming gift, I made her a, uh, piece of art (?) with this very theme. Because moving is scary. Change is scary. Taking risks is scary.
Some times, getting out of bed and looking in the mirror is scary.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: [He] is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

That's right, y'all, I'm being made perfect.
By getting the fear dragged out of me.

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